EDGES Calibration File Structure Definition#

VERSION: v2.0.0

This document is based on memo #113 “Receiver calibration procedure document”, by Tom Mozden. It defines the directory structure and file naming conventions used for calibration of EDGES receivers. Calibration observations that do not conform to this structure are considered broken, and should be either fixed or removed. This standard is enforced by the code edges-io.


The following format description will be as formal and complete as possible. Pay special attention to modifiers such as “definitely”, “possibly” and “solely”. In general, there is a well-defined list of files/folders that should be in any one place, and extra files will be considered erroneous, as they may confuse file readers into reading incorrect information silently.

A global exception to this rule are files with the following suffices: .old, .invalid, .ignore. These may be kept in the observation and will always be ignored by the checker and reader. In addition, a file called Notes.txt should be placed at the root of the structure (i.e. in the 25C/ folder).

Throughout the following description, we will use formats such as FileXX_YYY.txt. In these, some groups of letters are intended to be placeholders for meta-information. These will always be capital letters. They will usually be a repeat set of such letters, but not always. It will always be made explicit in the context which letters are meant to be placeholders. The number of such letters in a given position is strict: the actual replacement data must match it. For example, in the above, if YYY represented the day of the year, it must be inserted as a three-digit string. If the day was the 40th, it must be inserted as 040 rather than simply 40.

Optional format entries will be marked with square brackets, eg. File[XX]_YYY.txt. In this case, one could have a file such as File_040.txt, or a file such as File30_040.txt. Each would be valid and identifiable.

Entries that have a limited number of choices may be identified with the following notation: File_(this|that|the_other).txt. In this case, the filename File_this.txt would be equally valid as File_the_other.txt. But not File_this_that.txt.


The following directory tree gives a summary view of the structure of an observation. Here, curly brackets represent the idea that all of a given pattern must be present. Conversely, angle brackets represent the idea that any of a given pattern could be present (including none):


Note: the various occurrences of <NN> here signify the “run number”. Each load (Ambient/HotLoad/…) may have a unique run number greater than zero, however, the run number for that load is then the same between resistance, spectra and s11.

We will go through each format in more detail below to identify any vague points and also describe the metadata of each entry.


  • ReceiverXX_YYYY_MM_DD_LLL_to_HHH_MHz/

  • XX: Receiver version number (01|02|03)

  • LLL: Start frequency in MHz

  • HHH: Stop frequency in MHz

  • YYYY_MM_DD: Calibration start date

  • Receiver03_2019_040_to_200_MHz

The root directory contains up to three subdirectories defining the temperature of the receiver. This “temperature subdirectory” can be considered part of the root name, as a calibration observation is fully contained in each.

  • <15|25|35>C.

The options here are temperatures in Celsius.

Top-Level Subdirectories#

Root (with temperature) definitely consists of three sub folders:
  • Resistance/: Contains temperature measurements of thermistor.

  • S11/: Contains VNA measurements in sub folders for different loads and receiver.

  • Spectra/: Contains digitizer output for all loads.

S11 Folder#

The S11 directory consists solely of the following subdirectories. Any other file or directory will be flagged as an error (besides global exceptions defined above).

Each subdirectory contains a number of .s1p format files. We define explicitly which files may be contained in each directory below. Nevertheless, we here emphasise that the format of these files contains a single entry <RR>, called the “repeat number”, which identifies a chronological ordering of when the data was taken, within a single hook-up. It is an integer, and the entries in any given directory for any given file kind must start at one and increment by one. There may be an arbitrary number of repeat numbers for any given load and standard.

Note: only a single repeat number for all standards (open, short, match etc.) within a given load (Ambient, SwitchingState etc.) can be used. It is never acceptable to use for example Ambient/Open01.s1p and Ambient/Short02.s1p together (though they can both exist). Thus, an incomplete set of s1p files for a given run number is flagged as en error – these files should be removed, or defined with an .invalid suffix.

Contents Format:
  • ReceiverReading<NN>/
    • <NN>: the “run number” of the observation. An integer. Lowest value must be 01, and it must increment by unity. Any number of directories may be present. Each represents a repetition of the entire measurement.

    • Contains ReceiverReading<RR>.s1p, Short<RR>.s1p, Open<RR>.s1p and Match<RR>.s1p. See notes on <RR> above. Each corresponds to the measurement of a different standard.

  • SwitchingState<NN>/
    • <NN>: See note for ReceiverReading<NN>.

    • Contains {Open|Short|Match|ExternalOpen|ExternalShort|ExternalMatch}<RR>.s1p. These are again all measurements of different internal/external standards. Again, see notes on <RR> above.

  • {Ambient|HotLoad|LongCableOpen|LongCableShort}<NN>/
    • All of these options must be present. They represent the S11 measurements of the four calibration loads. Repeat number must be greater or equal to one.

    • Each contains all of {External|Short|Open|Match}<RR>.s1p.

  • [AntSim<X>]<NN>/
    • Any number of Antenna Simulators may be present (up to 9). If present, X identifies the simulator (an integer from 1-9).

    • The contents of an antenna simulation are the same as a Load. All of: {External|Short|Open|Match}<RR>.s1p.

    • Repeat number must be greater or equal one.

Spectra Folder#

Contents Format:
  • {Ambient|HotLoad|LongCableOpen|LongCableShorted}_<NN>_YYYY_DDD_HH_MM_SS_lab.<h5|acq|mat|npz>

  • {Ambient|HotLoad|LongCableOpen|LongCableShorted}: input calibration load. All must exist.

  • <NN>: “run number”. Multiple of these may exist for any given load, and other entries can be different for each run num. The lowest value for a given load must be 01 and they must increment by unity.

  • YYYY: year of observation (must match root folder)

  • DDD: numbered day of year (need not match root folder, but should be close).

  • HH: hour observation started

  • MM: minute observation started

  • SS: second observation started.

  • <h5|acq|mat|npz>: format of the spectrum file. Any may be present (and different ones may be present for different loads and run numbers). Current default is to use acq.

  • Ambient_01_2019_351_12_35_56_lab.acq

Additional contents: there also may exist any number of files with the same format, but with the load name replaced with AntSim<X>, where X represents the antenna simulator number (from 1-9).

Resistance Folder#

The contents have exactly the same formatting as the Spectra/ folder, except that the file extension must be .csv. The timing entries for the resistance do not need to be the same as their counterpart in Spectra/, nor do there need to be the same number of runs of each. Nevertheless, all loads (including simulators) in one must be present in the other.

Version History#

Note: this version history reflects changes in this file (not the broader edges-io code), and therefore the standard itself. Versions are in the form MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, which correspond to:

  • PATCH: a change to this document intended to clarify a point that was already true (or formatting changes). Does not change the standard at all.

  • MINOR: standard changed in a backwards-compatible way. Eg. a new possible file or convention added for which all possible readers will still give the same value.

  • MAJOR: backwards-incompatible change. A change such that the reader itself must be changed in order to give the same results, or not error. In this case, all observations on disk will require updating.


  • Fixed a bug in the documentation, in which “run number” and “repeat number” were swapped for the S11. Also added a clarifying note that only one run number per load is allowed for all kinds of measurements (spectra/resistance/s11).


  • Specified that Notes.txt must be placed in the root folder rather than anywhere in the structure.


  • Clarification that run-numbers cannot be mixed and matched within S11 measurements.


  • First version of format standard, based on original memo #113.