Source code for

"""A module defining the overall file structure and internal contents of cal obs.

This module defines the overall file structure and internal contents of the
calibration observations. It does *not* implement any algorithms/methods on that data,
making it easier to separate the algorithms from the data checking/reading.

from __future__ import annotations

import contextlib
import functools
import logging
import operator
import re
import tempfile
import warnings
from import Sequence
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from functools import cached_property
from io import StringIO
from pathlib import Path
from typing import ClassVar

import attr
import numpy as np
import read_acq
import toml
import yaml
from astropy import units as un
from bidict import bidict
from hickleable import hickleable
from pygsdata import KNOWN_TELESCOPES, GSData
from read_acq.gsdata import read_acq_to_gsdata

from . import utils
from ._structure import _DataContainer, _DataFile
from .data import DATA_PATH
from .logging import logger
from .vna import SParams

with (DATA_PATH / "calibration_loads.toml").open("r") as fl:
    data = toml.load(fl)
    LOAD_ALIASES = bidict({v["alias"]: k for k, v in data.items()})
        v: k
        for k, val in data.items()
        for v in [*val.get("misspells", []), val["alias"]]

with (DATA_PATH / "antenna_simulators.toml").open("r") as fl:
    ANTENNA_SIMULATORS = toml.load(fl)

# Dictionary of misspelled:true mappings.
    v: k for k, val in ANTENNA_SIMULATORS.items() for v in val.get("misspells", [])

class _SpectrumOrResistance(_DataFile):
    load_pattern = "|".join(LOAD_ALIASES.values())
    antsim_pattern = "|".join(ANTENNA_SIMULATORS.keys())
    _antsim_rev_pattern = "|".join(ANTSIM_REVERSE.keys())
    _load_rev_pattern = "|".join(LOAD_MAPPINGS.keys())
    _loadname_pattern = (

    pattern = (
        + r"_(?P<run_num>\d{2})_(?P<year>\d{4})_(?P<day>\d{3})_("
    write_pattern = (

    known_patterns = (
            + r"_25C_(?P<month>\d{1,2})_(?P<day>\d{1,2})_("
            + r"_(?P<month>\d{1,2})_(?P<day>\d{1,2})_("
            + r"(?P<run_num>\d{1,2})_25C_(?P<month>\d{1,"
            rf"(?P<load_name>{_loadname_pattern})" + r"_(?P<year>\d{4})_(?P<day>\d{3})_"
            + r"_(?P<year>\d{4})_(?P<day>\d{3})_(?P<hour>\d{2}).(?P<file_format>\w{2,3})$"
            + r"_(?P<year>\d{4})_(?P<day>\d{3})_(?P<hour>\d{2}).(?P<file_format>\w{2,3})$"
            + r"_(?P<year>\d{4})_(?P<day>\d{3})_lab.(?P<file_format>\w{2,3})$"
            + r"_(?P<run_num>\d)_(?P<year>\d{4})_(?P<day>\d{3})_lab.(?P<file_format>\w{2,"
            + r"_\d{2}C_(?P<month>\d{1,2})_(?P<day>\d{1,2})_(?P<year>\d{4})_(?P<hour>\d{"
            + r"_(?P<run_num>\d{2})_(?P<year>\d{4})_(?P<day>\d{3})_("
            + r"_(?P<run_num>\d{2})_(?P<year>\d{4})_(?P<day>\d{3})_("
            + r"_(?P<year>\d{4})_(?P<day>\d{3})_("
            + r"_(?P<year>\d{4})_(?P<day>\d{3})_(?P<hour>\d{2}).(?P<file_format>\w{2,3})$"

    known_substitutions: ClassVar = [
        ("degC", "C"),
        ("_25C", ""),
        ("_15C", ""),
        ("_35C", ""),
        ("LongCableShort_", "LongCableShorted_"),

    supported_formats: ClassVar = []

    def typestr(cls, name: str):
        return cls.__name__ + re.match(cls.pattern, name).groupdict()["load_name"]

    def _get_filename_parameters(cls, dct: dict):
        out = {"run_num": 1, "hour": 0, "minute": 0, "second": 0}

        if "month" in dct:
            out["jd"] = utils.ymd_to_jd(dct["year"], dct["month"], dct["day"])
        elif "day" in dct:
            out["jd"] = dct["day"]

        # Switch Antenna Simulator "misspells" to true form.
        if dct["load_name"] in ANTSIM_REVERSE:
            dct["load_name"] = ANTSIM_REVERSE[dct["load_name"]]

        elif dct["load_name"] in LOAD_MAPPINGS:
            dct["load_name"] = LOAD_MAPPINGS[dct["load_name"]]

        return out

    def _validate_match(cls, match: dict[str, str], filename: str):
        if int(match["run_num"]) < 1:
            logger.error(f"The run_num for {filename} is less than one!")
        if not (2010 <= int(match["year"]) <= 2030):
            logger.error(f"The year for {filename} ({match['year']}) is a bit strange!")
        if not (0 <= int(match["day"]) <= 366):
                f"The day for {filename} ({match['day']}) is outside the number "
                f"of days in a year"
        if not (0 <= int(match["hour"]) <= 24):
            logger.error(f"The hour for {filename} is outside 0-24!")
        if not (0 <= int(match["minute"]) <= 60):
            logger.error(f"The minute for {filename} is outside 0-60!")
        if not (0 <= int(match["second"]) <= 60):
            logger.error(f"The second for {filename} is outside 0-60!")
        if match["file_format"] not in cls.supported_formats:
                f"The file {filename} is not of a supported format "
                f"({cls.supported_formats}). Got format {match['file_format']}"

    def from_load(
        load: str,
        direc: str | Path,
        run_num: int | None = None,
        filetype: str | None = None,
    ) -> list[_SpectrumOrResistance]:
        """Initialize the object in a simple way.

            The load name (eg. 'Ambient', 'HotLoad') or its alias (eg. 'ambient',
            The directory in which to search for relevant data
            The run number of the data to use. Default, the last run. Each run is
            independent and different run_nums may be used for different loads.
            The filetype of the data. Must be one of the supported formats. Defaults
            to `_default_filetype`.

        direc = Path(direc)

        if load in LOAD_ALIASES:
            load = LOAD_ALIASES[load]

        if load not in LOAD_ALIASES.values() and load not in ANTENNA_SIMULATORS:
                f"The load specified [{load}] is not one of the options available."

        files = sorted(direc.glob(f"{load}_??_????_???_??_??_??_lab.*"))

        if not files:
            raise utils.LoadExistError(
                f"No files exist for the load {load} for any filetype on that path: {direc}."
                f"Found files: {list(files)}."

        filetype = [filetype] if filetype else cls.supported_formats

        # Use any format so long as it is supported
        rfiles = []
        for ftype in filetype:
            rfiles = [fl for fl in files if fl.suffix == ("." + ftype)]
            if rfiles:

        if not rfiles:
            raise utils.LoadExistError(
                f"No files exist for the load {load} for any of the filetypes '{filetype}'."
                f"Found files: {list(files)}."

        files = rfiles

        # Restrict to the given run_num (default last run)
        run_nums = [int([len(load) + 1 : len(load) + 3]) for fl in files]
        if run_num is None:
            run_num = max(run_nums)

        pre_files = files.copy()
        files = [fl for fl, num in zip(files, run_nums) if num == run_num]

        if not files:
            raise ValueError(
                f"No {load} files exist on path ({direc}) with run_num={run_num}. "
                f"Potential files: {pre_files}"

        return [cls(fl) for fl in files]

    def run_num(self):
        """The run number of the data.

        All run_nums must be the same for all files in the data. Every observation may
        have several runs. Note that different runs may be mixed for different loads.
        # Ensure all load names are the same
        return self._match_dict["run_num"]

    def year(self):
        """Year on which data acquisition began."""
        # Ensure all load names are the same
        return int(self._match_dict["year"])

    def day(self) -> int:
        return int(self._match_dict["day"])

    def load_name(self):
        return LOAD_ALIASES.inverse.get(
            self._match_dict["load_name"], self._match_dict["load_name"]

    def hour(self):
        """List of integer hours (one per file) at which data acquisition was begun."""
        return int(self._match_dict["hour"])

    def minute(self):
        """List of integer minutes (one per file) at which data acquisition was begun."""
        return int(self._match_dict["minute"])

    def second(self):
        """List of integer seconds (one per file) at which data acquisition was begun."""
        return int(self._match_dict["second"])

[docs] @hickleable() @attr.s class FieldSpectrum: """A simple object able to read any known spectrum format. Parameters ---------- path The path to the file to read. """ path: str | Path = attr.ib(converter=Path) @path.validator def _pth_vld(self, att, val): if not val.exists(): raise OSError(f"{self.path} does not exist!") if self.file_format not in ["h5", "acq"]: raise TypeError(f"{self.path} has bad file format, must be h5 or acq") @cached_property def file_format(self) -> str: """The file format of the data to be read.""" return self.path.suffix[1:]
[docs] def get_data(self) -> GSData: """Get a GSData object from the file. If the file is an ACQ file, it will be read completely into memory. If the number of files is more than one, `data` will be a list of objects. """ if self.file_format in ("h5", "gsh5"): return GSData.from_file(self.path) elif self.file_format == "acq": return read_acq_to_gsdata( self.path, telescope=KNOWN_TELESCOPES["edges-low"] ) else: raise ValueError(f"File format '{self.file_format}' not supported.")
[docs] @hickleable() @attr.s class Spectrum(_SpectrumOrResistance): """Class representing an observed spectrum. Standard initialization takes a filename which will be read directly (as long as it is in one of the supported formats). Initialization via :func:`from_load` will attempt to find a file with the default naming scheme of the database. Supported formats: h5, acq, mat Examples -------- >>> spec = Spectrum.from_load("Ambient", ".") >>> spec.file_format h5 >>> spectra = """ supported_formats: ClassVar = ["h5", "acq", "gsh5"] @cached_property def _raw_spec(self): return FieldSpectrum(self.path) @cached_property def file_format(self) -> str: """The file format of the data to be read.""" return self._raw_spec.file_format
[docs] def get_data(self) -> GSData: """Get a GSData object from the file. If the file is an ACQ file, it will be read completely into memory. If the number of files is more than one, `data` will be a list of objects. """ return self._raw_spec.get_data()
[docs] @hickleable() @attr.s class Resistance(_SpectrumOrResistance): """An object representing a resistance measurement (and its structure).""" supported_formats = ("csv",) known_patterns = ( *_SpectrumOrResistance.known_patterns, f"^(?P<load_name>{_SpectrumOrResistance._loadname_pattern})" + ".(?P<file_format>\\w{2,3})$", )
[docs] @classmethod def from_load(cls, *args, **kwargs): classes = super().from_load(*args, **kwargs) return classes[0]
@cached_property def file_format(self): """The file format of the data to be read.""" return "csv"
[docs] @classmethod def read_csv(cls, path: Path) -> tuple[np.ndarray, dict]: with Path(path).open("r", errors="ignore") as fl: if fl.readline().startswith("FLUKE"): return cls.read_old_style_csv(path) else: return cls.read_new_style_csv(path)
[docs] def read(self): return self.read_csv(self.path)
[docs] @classmethod def read_new_style_csv(cls, path: str | Path) -> tuple[np.ndarray, dict]: data = np.genfromtxt( path, skip_header=1, delimiter=",", dtype=np.dtype( [ ("date", "S10"), ("time", "S8"), ("lna_voltage", float), ("lna_resistance", float), ("lna_temp", float), ("sp4t_voltage", float), ("sp4t_resistance", float), ("sp4t_temp", float), ("load_voltage", float), ("load_resistance", float), ("load_temp", float), ("room_temp", float), ] ), ) return data, {}
[docs] @classmethod def read_old_style_csv_header(cls, path: Path): with Path(path).open("r", errors="ignore") as fl: if not fl.readline().startswith("FLUKE"): return {}, 0 done = False out = {} nheader_lines = 0 while not done: line = fl.readline() if line.startswith(("Start Time,", "Max Time,")): names = line.split(",") next_line = fl.readline() nheader_lines += 1 values = next_line.split(",") out.update(dict(zip(names, values))) if line.startswith("1,") or line == "": done = True nheader_lines += 1 return out, nheader_lines
[docs] @classmethod def read_old_style_csv(cls, path) -> tuple[np.ndarray, dict]: # Weirdly, some old-style files use KOhm, and some just use Ohm. # These files have bad encoding, which we can ignore. This means we have to # read in the whole thing as text first (while ignoring errors) and construct # a StringIO object to pass to genfromtxt. header, nheader_lines = cls.read_old_style_csv_header(path) nlines = int(header["Total readings"]) with Path(path).open("r", errors="ignore") as fl: # Get past the header. for _i in range(nheader_lines): next(fl) s = StringIO("".join([next(fl) for i in range(nlines - 1)])) # Determine whether the file is in KOhm def float_from_kohm(x): x = x.decode("utf-8") kohm = "KOhm" in x y = float(x.split(" ")[0]) return y * 1000 if kohm else y data = np.genfromtxt( s, delimiter=",", dtype=np.dtype( [ ("reading_num", int), ("sample_resistance", float), ("start_time", "S20"), ("duration", "S9"), ("max_time", "S20"), ("max_resistance", float), ("load_resistance", float), ("min_time", "S20"), ("min_resistance", float), ("description", "S20"), ("end_time", "S22"), ] ), converters={ 1: float_from_kohm, 5: float_from_kohm, 6: float_from_kohm, 8: float_from_kohm, 10: float_from_kohm, }, ) return data, {}
@cached_property def _res_and_anc(self): return @property def resistance(self): """The resistance measurement in the file.""" return self._res_and_anc[0] @property def ancillary(self): """The full raw data from the CSV file.""" return self._res_and_anc[1] @classmethod def _get_filename_params_from_contents(cls, path: Path) -> dict: meta, _ = cls.read_old_style_csv_header(path) if not meta: return {} start_time = datetime.strptime(meta["Start Time"], "%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p") jd = utils.ymd_to_jd(start_time.year, start_time.month, return { "hour": start_time.hour, "minute": start_time.minute, "second": start_time.second, "jd": jd, "year": start_time.year, }
@attr.s class _SpectraOrResistanceFolder(_DataContainer): _run_num: int | dict[str, int] | None = attr.ib(default=None, kw_only=True) filetype: str | None = attr.ib(default=None, kw_only=True) @cached_property def _run_nums(self) -> dict[str, int | None]: if isinstance(self._run_num, int) or self._run_num is None: return dict.fromkeys(LOAD_ALIASES.values(), self._run_num) else: return self._run_num @cached_property def _loads(self) -> dict[str, Spectrum | Resistance]: loads = {} for name, load in LOAD_ALIASES.items(): with contextlib.suppress(utils.LoadExistError): loads[name] = self._content_type.from_load( load, self.path, self._run_nums.get(load, None), self.filetype ) return loads def __getattr__(self, item): if item in LOAD_ALIASES and item in self._loads: return self._loads[item] if item in ANTENNA_SIMULATORS and item in self.simulators: return self.simulators[item] raise AttributeError(f"{item} does not exist!") @cached_property def simulators(self) -> dict[str, Spectrum | Resistance]: sims = {} for name in self.get_simulator_names(self.path): sims[name] = self._content_type.from_load( name, self.path, self._run_nums.get(name, None), self.filetype ) return sims @property def load_names(self) -> tuple[str]: return tuple(LOAD_ALIASES.keys()) @property def available_load_names(self) -> tuple[str]: return tuple(name for name in self.load_names if hasattr(self, name)) @property def run_num(self) -> dict[str, int]: """Dictionary of run numbers for each load.""" try: return {k: getattr(self, k)[0].run_num for k in self.available_load_names} except TypeError: return {k: getattr(self, k).run_num for k in self.available_load_names} @classmethod def _check_all_files_there(cls, path: Path) -> bool: # Just need to check for the loads. ok = True for load in LOAD_ALIASES.values(): if not path.glob(load + "_*"): logger.error( f"{cls.__name__} does not contain any files for load {load}" ) ok = False return ok @classmethod def get_all_load_names(cls, path) -> set[str]: """Get all load names found in the Spectra directory.""" fls = utils.get_active_files(path) return {"_")[0] for fl in fls} @classmethod def get_simulator_names(cls, path) -> set[str]: load_names = cls.get_all_load_names(path) return {name for name in load_names if name in ANTENNA_SIMULATORS} @classmethod def _check_file_consistency(cls, path: Path) -> bool: fls = utils.get_active_files(path) ok = True groups = [, for fl in fls ] # Ensure all years are the same for fl, group in zip(fls, groups): if group["year"] != groups[0]["year"]: logger.error( f"All years must be the same in a Spectra folder, but {fl} was not" ) ok = False # Ensure days are close-ish days = [int(group["day"]) for group in groups] if max(days) - min(days) > 30: logger.error(f"Observation days are suspiciously far apart for {path}") ok = False return ok def read_all(self): """Read all spectra.""" out = {} meta = {} for name in self.available_load_names: out[name], meta[name] = getattr(self, name).read() return out
[docs] @hickleable() @attr.s class Spectra(_SpectraOrResistanceFolder): pattern = "Spectra" known_patterns = ("spectra",) _content_type = Spectrum write_pattern = "Spectra"
[docs] @hickleable() @attr.s class Resistances(_SpectraOrResistanceFolder): pattern = "Resistance" known_patterns = ("resistance",) _content_type = Resistance write_pattern = "Resistance"
[docs] @hickleable() @attr.s class S1P(_DataFile): POSSIBLE_KINDS: ClassVar = [ "Match", "Short", "Open", "ExternalMatch", "ExternalShort", "ExternalOpen", "External", "ReceiverReading", "ExternalLoad", ] pattern = r"^(?P<kind>{})(?P<repeat_num>\d{{2}}).s1p$".format( "|".join(POSSIBLE_KINDS) ) write_pattern = "{kind}{repeat_num:>02}.s1p" known_patterns = ( r"^(?P<kind>{})(?P<repeat_num>\d{{1}}).s1p$".format("|".join(POSSIBLE_KINDS)), rf"^(?P<kind>{'|'.join(k.lower() for k in POSSIBLE_KINDS)})(?P<repeat_num>\d{2}).s1p$", rf"^(?P<kind>{'|'.join(k.lower() for k in POSSIBLE_KINDS)})(?P<repeat_num>\d{1}).s1p$", r"^(?P<kind>{}).s1p$".format("|".join(POSSIBLE_KINDS)), rf"^(?P<kind>{'|'.join(k.lower() for k in POSSIBLE_KINDS)}).s1p$", ) known_substitutions = (("Ext_", "External"), ("Int_", "")) # "Internal"
[docs] @classmethod def typestr(cls, name: str) -> str: return cls.__name__ + re.match(cls.pattern, name).groupdict()["kind"]
@property def kind(self): """The standard of this S1P measurement.""" return self._match_dict["kind"] @property def repeat_num(self): """The repeat num of this S1P.""" return self._match_dict["repeat_num"] @cached_property def s11(self): """The S11 measurement in this S1P file. Corresponds to :attr:`freq`. """ return self._data.s11 @cached_property def freq(self): """The frequencies of the S11 measurement in this S1P file. Corresponds to :attr:`s11`. """ return self._data.freq @classmethod def _validate_match(cls, match: dict[str, str], filename: str): if int(match["repeat_num"]) < 1: logger.error( f"The file {filename} has a repeat_num ({match['repeat_num']}) less than one" ) @classmethod def _get_filename_parameters(cls, dct: dict): if dct.get("kind") in (k.lower() for k in cls.POSSIBLE_KINDS): dct["kind"] = cls.POSSIBLE_KINDS[ [k.lower() for k in cls.POSSIBLE_KINDS].index(dct["kind"]) ] return {"repeat_num": 1} @cached_property def _data(self) -> SParams: return SParams.from_s1p_file(self.path)
@hickleable() @attr.s class _S11SubDir(_DataContainer): STANDARD_NAMES = S1P.POSSIBLE_KINDS _content_type = S1P write_pattern = "{load_name}{run_num:0>2}" repeat_num: int = attr.ib(kw_only=True, converter=int) @repeat_num.default def _repnum_default(self): return self._get_max_repeat_num() @cached_property def run_num(self) -> int: return int(self._match_dict["run_num"]) @classmethod def typestr(cls, name: str) -> str: return cls.__name__ + re.match(cls.pattern, name).groupdict()["load_name"] @cached_property def children(self) -> dict[str, S1P]: """Filenames of S1P measurements used in this observation.""" return { name.lower(): S1P(self.path / f"{name}{self.repeat_num:>02}.s1p") for name in self.STANDARD_NAMES } def __getattr__(self, item): if item in (n.lower() for n in self.STANDARD_NAMES): return self.children[item] else: raise AttributeError( f"{item} is not an attribute of {self.__class__.__name__}" ) @cached_property def filenames(self) -> tuple[Path]: """Filenames of S1P measurements used in this observation.""" return tuple(val.path for val in self.children.values()) @property def freq(self): """Frequencies measured in child S1P files.""" return self.children["match"].freq @property def active_contents(self): return utils.get_active_files(self.path) @classmethod def _check_all_files_there(cls, path: Path) -> bool: ok = True for name in cls.STANDARD_NAMES: if not path.glob(name + "??.s1p"): logger.error(f"No {name} standard found in {path}") ok = False return ok def _get_max_repeat_num(self) -> int: if self.active_contents: return max( int(re.match(S1P.pattern,"repeat_num")) for fl in self.active_contents ) else: return 0 @property def max_repeat_num(self) -> int: return self._get_max_repeat_num() @classmethod def _check_file_consistency(cls, path: Path) -> bool: return True @classmethod def _get_filename_parameters(cls, dct: dict): out = {} if "run_num" not in dct: out["run_num"] = 1 return out
[docs] @hickleable() @attr.s class LoadS11(_S11SubDir): STANDARD_NAMES: ClassVar = ["Open", "Short", "Match", "External"] pattern = r"(?P<load_name>{})(?P<run_num>\d{{2}})$".format( "|".join(LOAD_ALIASES.values()) ) known_patterns = ( f"(?P<load_name>{'|'.join(LOAD_MAPPINGS.keys())})$", f"(?P<load_name>{'|'.join(LOAD_ALIASES.values())})$", r"(?P<load_name>{})(?P<run_num>\d{{1}})$".format( "|".join(LOAD_ALIASES.values()) ), ) known_substitutions = ( ("AmbientLoad", "Ambient"), ("LongCableShort_", "LongCableShorted_"), ) @cached_property def load_name(self) -> str: return LOAD_ALIASES.inverse.get( self._match_dict["load_name"], self._match_dict["load_name"] ) @classmethod def _get_filename_parameters(cls, dct: dict): out = super()._get_filename_parameters(dct) if dct["load_name"] in LOAD_MAPPINGS: dct["load_name"] = LOAD_MAPPINGS[dct["load_name"]] return out
[docs] @hickleable() @attr.s class AntSimS11(LoadS11): pattern = r"(?P<load_name>{})(?P<run_num>\d{{2}})$".format( "|".join(ANTENNA_SIMULATORS.keys()) ) known_patterns = ( r"(?P<load_name>{})$".format("|".join(ANTSIM_REVERSE.keys())), r"(?P<load_name>{})$".format("|".join(ANTENNA_SIMULATORS.keys())), ) @classmethod def _get_filename_parameters(cls, dct: dict) -> dict: out = super()._get_filename_parameters(dct) if dct["load_name"] in ANTSIM_REVERSE: dct["load_name"] = ANTSIM_REVERSE[dct["load_name"]] return out
[docs] @hickleable() @attr.s class SwitchingState(_S11SubDir): pattern = r"(?P<load_name>SwitchingState)(?P<run_num>\d{2})$" known_patterns = ("(?P<load_name>SwitchingState)",) STANDARD_NAMES: ClassVar = [ "Open", "Short", "Match", "ExternalOpen", "ExternalShort", "ExternalMatch", ] known_substitutions = (("InternalSwitch", "SwitchingState"),)
[docs] @hickleable() @attr.s class ReceiverReading(_S11SubDir): pattern = r"(?P<load_name>ReceiverReading)(?P<run_num>\d{2})$" STANDARD_NAMES: ClassVar = ["Open", "Short", "Match", "ReceiverReading"] known_substitutions = (("ReceiverReadings", "ReceiverReading"),) known_patterns = ("(?P<load_name>ReceiverReading)",)
[docs] @hickleable() @attr.s class S11Dir(_DataContainer): """Class representing the entire S11 subdirectory of an observation. Parameters ---------- path : str or Path Top-level directory of the S11 measurements. repeat_num : int or dict, optional If int, the repeat num of all the standards to use (typically one or two). Otherwise, specified as a dict per-load. By default, use the highest repeat number available. run_num : int or dict, optional If int, the run num to use for all loads. If dict, specify which run num to use for each load. By default, use the highest run for each available load. **Note:** if using this for calibration, the run number must match the run number of the spectra and resistance. """ _content_type: ClassVar = { **dict.fromkeys(LOAD_ALIASES.values(), LoadS11), **dict.fromkeys(LOAD_MAPPINGS, LoadS11), "SwitchingState": SwitchingState, "ReceiverReading": ReceiverReading, "InternalSwitch": SwitchingState, # To catch the old way so it can be fixed. **dict.fromkeys(ANTENNA_SIMULATORS, AntSimS11), **dict.fromkeys(ANTSIM_REVERSE, AntSimS11), } pattern = "S11" known_patterns = ("s11",) write_pattern = "S11" _repeat_num: int | Sequence[int] | dict[str, int | Sequence[int]] = attr.ib( default=attr.Factory(dict) ) _run_num: int | Sequence[int] | dict[str, int | Sequence[int]] = attr.ib( default=attr.Factory(dict) ) @cached_property def _run_nums(self) -> dict[str, int]: run_nums = {} for name in [ "switching_state", "receiver_reading", *list(self.available_load_names), *list(self.get_simulator_names(self.path)), ]: try: if isinstance(self._run_num, int): run_nums[name] = self._run_num elif isinstance(self._run_num, dict): run_nums[name] = self._run_num.get( name, self._get_highest_run_num( self.path, utils.snake_to_camel(name) ), ) else: raise ValueError("run_num must be an int or dict.") except FileNotFoundError: # that's fine, it's probably switching_state or receiver_Reading pass return run_nums @cached_property def _repeat_nums(self) -> dict[str, int]: if not isinstance(self._repeat_num, dict): return { "switching_state": self._repeat_num, "receiver_reading": self._repeat_num, **dict.fromkeys(LOAD_ALIASES.values(), self._repeat_num), } else: return self._repeat_num def _get_s11_kind(self, name, alias, cls): rn = self._run_nums[name] if isinstance(rn, int): rn = (rn,) rep_num = self._repeat_nums.get(alias, self._repeat_nums.get(name, [None])) if isinstance(rep_num, int): rep_num = (rep_num,) out = [] for rr in rn: for rp in rep_num: kw = {} if rp is None else {"repeat_num": rp} out.append(cls(self.path / f"{alias}{rr:>02}", **kw)) return tuple(out) @cached_property def switching_state(self) -> tuple[SwitchingState]: return self._get_s11_kind("switching_state", "SwitchingState", SwitchingState) @cached_property def receiver_reading(self) -> tuple[ReceiverReading]: return self._get_s11_kind( "receiver_reading", "ReceiverReading", ReceiverReading ) @cached_property def _loads(self) -> dict[str, LoadS11]: return { name: self._get_s11_kind(name, LOAD_ALIASES[name], LoadS11) for name in self.available_load_names } @cached_property def simulators(self) -> dict[str, AntSimS11]: return { name: self._get_s11_kind(name, name, AntSimS11) for name in self.get_simulator_names(self.path) } def __getattr__(self, item): if item in self.load_names and item in self._loads: return self._loads[item] if item in ANTENNA_SIMULATORS and item in self.simulators: return self.simulators[item] raise AttributeError(f"{item} does not exist!") @property def available_load_names(self) -> tuple[str]: return self.get_available_load_names(self.path)
[docs] @classmethod def get_available_load_names(cls, path) -> tuple[str]: fls = utils.get_active_files(path) return tuple( { LOAD_ALIASES.inverse[[:-2]] for fl in fls if any( for k in LOAD_ALIASES.inverse) } )
@property def load_names(self) -> tuple[str]: return tuple(LOAD_ALIASES.keys()) def _get_run_repeat_dict(self, kind: str) -> dict[str, list[int]]: out = {} for key in ( *self.available_load_names, "switching_state", "receiver_reading", *tuple(self.simulators.keys()), ): out[key] = [getattr(x, kind) for x in getattr(self, key)] return out @property def repeat_num(self) -> dict[str, list[int]]: """Dictionary specifying run numbers for each load.""" return self._get_run_repeat_dict("repeat_num") @property def run_num(self) -> dict[str, list[int]]: return self._get_run_repeat_dict("run_num") @classmethod def _get_highest_run_num(cls, path, kind) -> int: fls = utils.get_active_files(path) fls = [fl for fl in fls if kind in str(fl)] if not fls: raise FileNotFoundError(f"No S11 measurements found for {kind}") run_nums = [int(str(fl)[-2:]) for fl in fls] return max(run_nums)
[docs] def get_highest_run_num(self, kind: str) -> int: """Get the highest run number for this kind.""" return self._get_highest_run_num(self.path, kind)
@classmethod def _check_all_files_there(cls, path: Path) -> bool: ok = True for load in LOAD_ALIASES.values(): if not path.glob(load): logger.error(f"No {load} S11 directory found!") ok = False for other in ["SwitchingState", "ReceiverReading"]: if not path.glob(other + "??"): logger.error(f"No {other} S11 directory found!") ok = False return ok @classmethod def _check_file_consistency(cls, path: Path) -> bool: simulators = cls.get_simulator_names(path) if simulators: f"Found the following Antenna Simulators in S11: {','.join(simulators)}" ) else:"No Antenna Simulators in S11.") return True
[docs] @classmethod def get_simulator_names(cls, path) -> set[str]: fls = utils.get_active_files(path) return {[:-2] for fl in fls if any( for k in ANTENNA_SIMULATORS) }
[docs] @hickleable() @attr.s class CalibrationObservation(_DataContainer): """A full set of data required to calibrate field observations. Incorporates several lower-level objects, such as :class:`Spectrum`, :class:`Resistance` and :class:`S1P` in a seamless way. Parameters ---------- path : str or Path The path (absolute or relative to current directory) to the top level directory of the observation. This should look something like ``Receiver01_2020_01_01_040_to_200MHz/``. run_num : int or dict, optional If an integer, the run number to use for all loads. If None, by default uses the last run for each load. If a dict, it should specify the run number for each load. repeat_num : int or dict, optional If an integer, the repeat number to use for all S11 standards measurements, for all loads. If None, by default uses the last repeat (typically 02) for each load. If a dict, it should specify the repeat number for each load. include_previous : bool, optional Whether to by default include the previous observation in the same directory to supplement the current one if parts are missing. compile_from_def : bool, optional Whether to attempt compiling a virtual observation from a ``definition.yaml`` inside the observation directory. This is the default behaviour, but can be turned off to enforce that the current directory should be used directly. """ pattern = re.compile( r"^Receiver(?P<rcv_num>\d{2})_(?P<temp>\d{2})C_(?P<year>\d{4})_(?P<month>\d{2})_(" r"?P<day>\d{2})_(?P<freq_low>\d{3})_to_(?P<freq_hi>\d{3})MHz$" ) known_patterns = ( ( r"^Receiver(\d{1,2})_(?P<temp>\d{2})C_(\d{4})_(\d{1,2})_(\d{1,2})_(\d{2,3})_" r"to_(\d{2,3})MHz$" ), ( r"Receiver(?P<rcv_num>\d{2})_(?P<temp>\d{2})C_(?P<year>\d{4})_(?P<month>\d{2})_" r"(?P<day>\d{2})_(?P<freq_low>\d{3})" r"_to_(?P<freq_hi>\d{3})_MHz$" ), ) write_pattern = ( "Receiver{rcv_num:0>2}_{temp:>02}C_{year:>04}_{month:0>2}_{day:0>2}_" "{freq_low:0>3}_to_{freq_hi:0>3}MHz" ) _content_type: ClassVar = { "S11": S11Dir, "Spectra": Spectra, "Resistance": Resistances, "spectra": Spectra, "resistance": Resistances, "s11": S11Dir, } _run_num: int | dict = attr.ib(default=attr.Factory(dict)) _repeat_num: int | dict = attr.ib(default=attr.Factory(dict)) spectra_kwargs: dict = attr.ib(default=attr.Factory(dict)) s11_kwargs: dict = attr.ib(default=attr.Factory(dict)) resistance_kwargs: dict = attr.ib(default=attr.Factory(dict)) original_path: Path = attr.ib(converter=Path) _tmpdir: Path | None = attr.ib(default=None) @cached_property def definition(self) -> dict: # Read the definition file, and combine other observations into a single # temporary directory if they exist (otherwise, just symlink this full directory) # Note that we need to keep the actual _tmpdir object around otherwise it gets # cleaned up! definition = self.check_definition(self.original_path) if definition.get("entirely_invalid", False): logger.warning( f"Observation {self.original_path} is marked as invalid -- " f"proceed with caution! Reason: '{self.definition['entirely_invalid']}'" ) return definition @original_path.default def _original_path_default(self): # the original input path, so we have access to it later. Otherwise # we might just have a temporary directory. return self._path
[docs] @classmethod def from_def( cls, path: str | Path, include_previous: bool = True, **kwargs ) -> CalibrationObservation: tmpdir, name = cls.compile_obs_from_def(path, include_previous) new_path = tmpdir / name return cls(new_path, tmpdir=tmpdir, original_path=path, **kwargs)
@property def receiver_num(self) -> int: return int(self._match_dict["rcv_num"]) @property def ambient_temp(self) -> int: return int(self._match_dict["temp"]) @property def year(self) -> int: return int(self._match_dict["year"]) @property def month(self) -> int: return int(self._match_dict["month"]) @property def day(self) -> int: return int(self._match_dict["day"]) @property def freq_low(self) -> int: return int(self._match_dict["freq_low"]) @property def freq_high(self) -> int: return int(self._match_dict["freq_hi"]) @cached_property def spectra(self) -> Spectra: return Spectra( self.path / "Spectra", run_num=self._run_num, **self.spectra_kwargs, ) @cached_property def resistance(self) -> Resistances: return Resistances( self.path / "Resistance", run_num=self._run_num, **self.resistance_kwargs, ) @cached_property def s11(self) -> S11Dir: return S11Dir( self.path / "S11", run_num=self._run_num, repeat_num=self._repeat_num, **self.s11_kwargs, ) @cached_property def simulator_names(self): return self.get_simulator_names(self.path)
[docs] @classmethod def from_observation_yaml(cls, obs_yaml: str | Path): """Create a CalibrationObservation from a specific YAML format.""" obs_yaml = Path(obs_yaml) assert obs_yaml.exists(), f"{obs_yaml} does not exist!" with"r") as fl: obs_yaml_data = yaml.load(fl, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) root = obs_yaml_data["root"] root = Path(root).absolute() if root else obs_yaml.parent.absolute() assert ( root.exists() ), f"The root {root} specified in the observation does not exist." files = obs_yaml_data["files"] meta = obs_yaml_data["meta"] cls._check_yaml_files(files, root) tmpdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() sympath = Path( / cls.write_pattern.format(**meta) sympath.mkdir(parents=True) # Make top-level directories spec = sympath / "Spectra" s11 = sympath / "S11" res = sympath / "Resistance" spec.mkdir() s11.mkdir() res.mkdir() # Link all Spectra and Resistance files. for key, thing in zip(["spectra", "resistance"], [spec, res]): for kind_files in files[key].values(): these_files = functools.reduce( operator.iadd, (list(root.glob(fl)) for fl in kind_files), [] ) for fl in these_files: (thing / / fl) # Symlink the S11 files. s11_run_nums = {} rep_nums = {} for key, (direc, run_num) in files["s11"].items(): direc = Path(root / direc) syms11 = s11 / syms11.mkdir() if key == "receiver": rep_nums["receiver_reading"] = int(str(direc)[-2:]) elif key == "switch": rep_nums["switching_state"] = int(str(direc)[-2:]) these_files = direc.glob(f"*{run_num:>02}.?1?") for fl in these_files: (syms11 / / s11_run_nums[key] = run_num return cls( sympath, run_num={"S11": s11_run_nums}, repeat_num=rep_nums, fix=False, tmpdir=tmpdir, )
@classmethod def _check_yaml_files(cls, files: dict, root: Path): """Check goodness of 'files' key in an observation yaml.""" for key in ["spectra", "resistance", "s11"]: assert key in files, f"{key} must be in observation YAML 'files'" for key2 in ["open", "short", "hot_load", "ambient"]: assert ( key2 in files[key] ), f"{key2} must be in observation YAML 'files.{key}'" if key != "s11": for fl in files[key][key2]: assert ( len(list(root.glob(fl))) > 0 ), f"File '{root / fl}' included at files.{key}.{key2} does not exist or match any glob patterns." else: fl = files[key][key2][0] assert ( root / fl ).exists(), f"Directory '{root / fl}' included at files.{key}.{key2} does not exist." if key == "s11": for key2 in ["receiver", "switch"]: assert ( key2 in files[key] ), f"{key2} must be in observation YAML 'files.{key}'. Available: {list(files[key].keys())}" assert ( root / files[key][key2][0] ).exists(), f"Directory '{root / files[key][key2][0]}' included at files.{key}.{key2} does not exist."
[docs] @classmethod def check_definition(cls, path: Path) -> dict: """Check the associated definition.yaml file within an observation.""" definition_file = path / "definition.yaml" # Read in the definition file (if it exists) if not definition_file.exists(): return {} with"r") as fl: definition = yaml.load(fl, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) or {} allowed_keys = { "root_obs_dir": str, "entirely_invalid": str, "include": list, "prefer": list, "invalid": list, "measurements": { "resistance_m": dict( tuple((i, float) for i in range(99)) + tuple((f"{i:02}", float) for i in range(99)) ), "resistance_f": dict( tuple((i, float) for i in range(99)) + tuple((f"{i:02}", float) for i in range(99)) ), }, "defaults": {"run": dict, "repeat": dict}, "purpose": str, "history": list, } def _check_grp(defn, allowed): for k, v in defn.items(): if k not in allowed: logger.warning( f"Key {k} found in definition.yaml, but is not a known keyword." ) elif isinstance(allowed[k], dict): # Recurse into sub-dictionaries. _check_grp(v, allowed[k]) elif not isinstance(v, allowed[k]): logger.error( f"Key {k} has wrong type in definition.yaml. Should be {allowed[k]}, got {type(v)}." ) _check_grp(definition, allowed_keys) return definition
@classmethod def _check_self(cls, path: Path, **kwargs): path = path.absolute() # Warn if this is an invalid observation entirely. Also, we don't check the # observation then, as it's annoyingly difficult. if path.parent.suffix in [".invalid", ".old"]: logger.warning( f"Observation {} is marked as {path.parent.suffix} -- " f"proceed with caution!" ) return path, None return super()._check_self(path, **kwargs) @classmethod def _validate_match(cls, match: dict[str, str], filename: str): groups = match if int(groups["rcv_num"]) < 1: logger.error(f"Unknown receiver number: {groups['rcv_num']}") if not (2010 <= int(groups["year"]) <= 2030): logger.error(f"Unknown year: {groups['year']}") if not (1 <= int(groups["month"]) <= 12): logger.error(f"Unknown month: {groups['month']}") if not (1 <= int(groups["day"]) <= 31): logger.error(f"Unknown day: {groups['day']}") if not (1 <= int(groups["freq_low"]) <= 300): logger.error(f"Low frequency is weird: {groups['freq_low']}") if not (1 <= int(groups["freq_hi"]) <= 300): logger.error(f"High frequency is weird: {groups['freq_hi']}") if not int(groups["freq_low"]) < int(groups["freq_hi"]): logger.error( f"Low frequency > High Frequency: {groups['freq_low']} > {groups['freq_hi']}" ) if not (0 < int(groups["temp"]) < 100): logger.error( f"Ambient temperature out of range (0 - 100): {groups['temp']}" )"Calibration Observation Metadata:") for k, v in groups.items():"\t{k}: {v}")
[docs] @classmethod def path_to_datetime(cls, path: str | Path): pre_level = logger.getEffectiveLevel() logger.setLevel(39) try: path, match = cls.check_self(path, fix=False) except Exception as e: raise e finally: logger.setLevel(pre_level) if match: return datetime( int(match["year"]), int(match["month"]), int(match["day"]), tzinfo=timezone.utc, ) else: raise utils.FileStructureError("The path is not valid for an Observation.")
@classmethod def _check_all_files_there(cls, path: Path) -> bool: ok = True for folder in ["S11", "Spectra", "Resistance"]: if not (path / folder).exists(): logger.warning(f"No {folder} folder in observation!") ok = False return ok @classmethod def _check_file_consistency(cls, path: Path) -> bool: # checks whether simulators are the same between each. cls.get_simulator_names(path) return True
[docs] @classmethod def get_simulator_names(cls, path: str | Path): # Go through the subdirectories and check their simulators path = Path(path) dct = { name: tuple( sorted(cls._content_type[name].get_simulator_names(path / name)) ) for name in ["Spectra", "S11", "Resistance"] if (path / name).exists() } # If any list of simulators is not the same as the others, make an error. if len(set(dct.values())) != 1: logger.warning( f"Antenna Simulators do not match in all subdirectories. Got {dct}" ) names = [ name for name in ANTENNA_SIMULATORS if all(name in val for val in dct.values()) ] else: names = next(iter(dct.values())) return set(names)
[docs] def read_all(self): """Read all spectra and resistance files into memory. Usually a bad idea.""" self.spectra.read_all() self.resistance.read_all()
[docs] @classmethod def get_base_files(cls, path: Path, with_notes=False) -> list[Path]: """Get a list of valid files in this observation. Takes into account the definition.yaml if it exists. """ definition = cls.check_definition(path) invalid = [] for pattern in definition.get("invalid", []): invalid.extend(path.glob(pattern)) other_ignores = ["definition.yaml"] if not with_notes: other_ignores.append("Notes.txt") # We'll get everything in this subtree, except those marked invalid. return utils.get_file_list( path, filter=lambda x: x.suffix not in [".invalid", ".old"] and not in other_ignores and != "outputs", ignore=invalid, )
[docs] @classmethod def compile_obs_from_def( cls, path: Path, include_previous=True ) -> tuple[Path, str]: """Make a tempdir containing pointers to relevant files built from a definition. Takes a definition file (YAML format) from a particular Observation, and uses the ``include`` and ``prefer`` sections to generate a full list of files from any number of Observations that make up a single full observation. Will only include a single file of each kind. Parameters ---------- path : Path The path (absolute or relative to current directory) to the observation (not the definition file). include_previous : bool, optional Whether to by default "include" the previous observation (if any can be found). This means that observation will be used to supplement this one if this is incomplete. Returns ------- TemporaryDirectory : A temp directory in which there will be a directory of the same name as ``path``, and under which will be a view into a "full" observation, compiled from the definition. Each file in the directory will be a symlink. Note that this return variable must be kept alive or the directory will be cleaned up. name : str The name of the observation (i.e. the directory inside the temporary direc). """ path = Path(path).absolute() obs_name = assert path.exists(), f"{path} does not exist!" definition = cls.check_definition(path) # Now include files from other observations if they don't already exist. root_obs = definition.get("root_obs_dir", None) if root_obs is None: root_obs = path.parent else: # Root observation directory should be relative to the definition file. if not Path(root_obs).is_absolute(): root_obs = (path / root_obs).resolve() files = {fl.relative_to(path.parent): fl for fl in cls.get_base_files(path)} file_parts = { fl.relative_to(obs_name): cls.match_path(fl, root=path.parent) for fl in files } # Actually need files to *not* have the top-level name files = {fl.relative_to(obs_name): fl_abs for fl, fl_abs in files.items()} def _include_extra(roots, prefer): for inc_path in roots: # Need to get this root_obs if inc_path is absolute, because we need # to know where the observation starts (in the path) if inc_path.is_absolute(): for part in[::-1]: if break else: raise ValueError( f"Can't find an observation root in {inc_path}" ) this_root_obs = inc_path.parents[indx] inc_path = inc_path.relative_to(this_root_obs) else: this_root_obs = root_obs inc_path = this_root_obs / inc_path this_obs_name = inc_path.relative_to(this_root_obs).parts[0] # Get all non-invalid files in the other observation. inc_files = cls.get_base_files(inc_path) # Get the defining classes for each file inc_file_parts = { fl: cls.match_path( fl.relative_to(this_root_obs), root=this_root_obs ) for fl in inc_files } new_file_parts = {} # Check if the defining classes are the same as any already in there. for inc_fl, kinds in inc_file_parts.items(): if prefer or all(kinds != k for k in file_parts.values()): if prefer: # First delete the thing that's already there for k, v in list(file_parts.items()): if v == kinds: del file_parts[k] del files[k] files[inc_fl.relative_to(this_root_obs / this_obs_name)] = ( inc_fl ) new_file_parts[inc_fl.relative_to(this_root_obs)] = kinds # Updating the file parts after the full loop means that we can add # multiple files of the same kind (eg. with different run_num) from a # single observation, but only if they didn't exist in a previous obs. file_parts.update(new_file_parts) default_includes = [] if include_previous: # Look for a previous definition in the root observation directory. potential_obs = root_obs.glob(obs_name.split("_")[0] + "_*") potential_obs = sorted( str( for p in [*list(potential_obs), path.parent] ) if len(potential_obs) > 1: indx = potential_obs.index(obs_name) - 1 if indx >= 0: default_includes.append(potential_obs[indx]) include = [Path(x) for x in definition.get("include", default_includes)] prefer = [Path(x) for x in definition.get("prefer", [])] _include_extra(include, prefer=False) _include_extra(prefer, prefer=True) stuff = f"{path}_{include_previous}" if (path / "definition.yaml").exists(): # Now make a full symlink directory with these files. with (path / "definition.yaml").open("r") as fl: stuff += hsh = utils.stable_hash(stuff) dirname = f"calobs_{hsh}" symdir = Path(tempfile.gettempdir()) / dirname if not symdir.exists(): symdir.mkdir() utils.make_symlink_tree(files, symdir, obs_name) return symdir, obs_name
[docs] @classmethod def match_path( cls, path: Path, root: Path = Path() ) -> tuple[_DataFile | _DataContainer]: """Give a path relative to the root, determine its describing class. Examples -------- >>> CalibrationObservation.match_path('Spectra') >>> (Spectra, ) """ structure = { CalibrationObservation: { Spectra: (Spectrum,), Resistances: (Resistance,), S11Dir: { LoadS11: (S1P,), AntSimS11: (S1P,), SwitchingState: (S1P,), ReceiverReading: (S1P,), }, } } pre_level = logger.level if logger.handlers: logger.handlers[0].setLevel(100) # Temporarily disable stdout handler # Add a string buffer handler that can capture the error messages. msg_buffer = StringIO() handler = logging.StreamHandler(msg_buffer) logger.addHandler(handler) _strc = structure # Get parts of the path, but keep the top-level and the '25C' together path_parts = list( try: parts = () full_part = root for part in path_parts: full_part = Path(full_part) / Path(part) for thing in _strc: _pth, match = thing.check_self(part, fix=False) if match is not None: parts = (*parts, thing.typestr(part)) if isinstance(_strc, dict): _strc = _strc[thing] # Rewind buffer to start afresh with captured errors. msg_buffer.truncate(0) break else: raise ValueError( f"path {path} does not seem to point to a known kind of object. " f"Stuck on {part}. Errors/comments received:\n\n{msg_buffer.getvalue()}" ) except ValueError as e: raise e finally: logger.removeHandler(handler) if logger.handlers: logger.handlers[0].setLevel(pre_level) return parts
@property def run_num(self) -> dict[str, int]: """Dictionary specifying run numbers for each component.""" return self.s11.run_num @property def list_of_files(self): """A list of all data files used in this observation.""" fls = [] for name in self.s11.available_load_names: fls += functools.reduce( operator.iadd, (list(rr.filenames) for rr in getattr(self.s11, name)), [], ) fls += functools.reduce( operator.iadd, (list(rr.filenames) for rr in self.s11.receiver_reading), [] ) fls += functools.reduce( operator.iadd, (list(rr.filenames) for rr in self.s11.switching_state), [] ) for name in self.spectra.load_names: fls += [x.path for x in getattr(self.spectra, name)] fls.append(getattr(self.resistance, name).path) return sorted(fl.resolve() for fl in fls)