Source code for edges_io.utils

from __future__ import annotations

import datetime
import os
import shutil
from hashlib import md5
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
from rich.console import Console

IGNORABLE_SUFFIXES = (".old", ".ignore", ".invalid", ".output")
IGNORABLE_FOLDERS = ("outputs",)
console = Console()

[docs] def stable_hash(x) -> str: return md5(str(x).encode()).hexdigest()
[docs] def get_active_files(path: str | Path) -> list[Path]: path = Path(path) if not path.is_dir(): raise ValueError(f"{path} is not a directory!") fls = path.glob("*") ok_extra_files = [ "Notes.txt", "calibration_analysis.ipynb", "derived", "definition.yaml", ] return [ fl for fl in fls if fl.suffix not in IGNORABLE_SUFFIXES and not in ok_extra_files and not in IGNORABLE_FOLDERS ]
[docs] def get_parent_dir(path, n=1): for _ in range(n): path = Path(os.path.normpath(path)).parent return path
[docs] def ymd_to_jd(y, m, d): return (, int(m), int(d)) -, 1, 1) ).days + 1
def _ask_to_rm(fl: Path) -> Path | None: reply = "z" while reply not in "yniopm": reply = ( str( console.input( f"""[bold] Action for '{fl}': >>> [red]y[/]: remove the file >>> [dark_orange]n[/]: ignore/skip the file for now >>> [cyan]i[/]: make it 'invalid' >>> [cyan]o[/]: [bold]make it 'old' >>> [cyan]p[/]: [bold]make it 'output' >>> [green]m[/]: [bold]interactively move/rename """ ) ) .lower() .strip() ) if reply == "y": if fl.is_dir(): shutil.rmtree(fl) else: fl.unlink() return None elif reply == "i": shutil.move(fl, str(fl) + ".invalid") return Path(str(fl) + ".invalid") elif reply == "o": shutil.move(fl, str(fl) + ".old") return Path(str(fl) + ".old") elif reply == "p": shutil.move(fl, str(fl) + ".output") return Path(str(fl) + ".output") elif reply == "m": reply = str(console.input(f"[bold]Change '{}' to:[/] ")) newfile = fl.parent / reply try: shutil.move(fl, newfile) except Exception: console.print( f"[bold red]Couldn't rename the file '{newfile}' as you asked." ) raise return newfile elif reply == "n": return fl else: raise OSError("Something went very wrong.") class FileStructureError(Exception): pass class LoadExistError(Exception): pass class IncompleteObservationError(FileStructureError): pass class InconsistentObservationError(FileStructureError): pass
[docs] def get_file_list(top_level: Path, filter=None, ignore=None): # noqa: A002 ignore = ignore or [] out = [] for pth in top_level.iterdir(): if str(pth) not in ignore and (filter(pth) if filter is not None else True): if pth.is_file(): out.append(pth.absolute()) elif pth.is_dir(): out.extend(get_file_list(pth, filter=filter, ignore=ignore)) return out
[docs] def snake_to_camel(word: str): return "".join(w[0].upper() + w[1:] for w in word.split("_"))
[docs] def optional(fnc): def outfnc(x): return x is None or fnc(x) outfnc.optional = True return outfnc
[docs] def isintish(x): return isinstance(x, (int, np.int64))
[docs] def isfloatish(x): return isinstance(x, (float, np.float32))
[docs] def isstringish(x): return isinstance(x, (str, bytes))
[docs] def isnumeric(x): return isinstance(x, (int, float, np.number))